Motorcycle luggage
We’ve got a few bikers in the office, and when one of them is off on a trip to Europe or around the UK they use the VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® tape to doubly secure their gear. This quick and re-usable solution means you can spend less time securing your luggage and more time riding your bike through the mountain roads in Spain!
We’ve shown below the way in which a single piece of VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® tape can secure that extra bit of kit you either can’t fit in your bag or want to have quick access to.
In the example below we’ve shown how you this organiser has been adapted with a piece of loop on the back of the bag to be used as a mini tank bag ideal for wallet, phone, passport etc. The tank has PS52 50mm Heavy-Duty stuck to it to receive the loop on the underside of the bag. The loop has been sewn onto the bag, we always recommend sewing onto any fabric surface.