What’s been going on at MPD during August?
We hope you’ve been keeping cool this hot August, we’ve certainly been kept on our toes this month! Our cutting machines have been working round the clock for all our customers but none more so than for a new customer using the pieces in an industrial application, in under 3 weeks we’ve cut, bagged and despatched over 1.7 million pieces for this one customer with more still to follow.
Our in-house cutting and conversion capabilities have significantly increased in recent times, we’ve completed a complicated cutting and printing job this month too, which, when it was first requested had us scratching our heads, we were able to come up with a solution and have the job finished promptly.
As it’s been so hot this month there have been ice creams a-plenty, a couple of after work pints and a great staff day out!
It’s back to school now, which is sure to be busy for us, keep an eye out for next months update, have a great September!